Welcome to Maiden Voyage Booksellers
Maiden Voyage Booksellers specializes in used, new, rare and out-of-print maritime and nautical books on ocean liners, passenger ships, steamships, the Titanic, tugboats, towboats, merchant ships, tankers, freighters, work boats, cargo ships, ship modeling, shipbuilding, sailing, yachting, ferries, Great Lakes, lighthouses, lightships, shipwrecks, steamboats and the Coast Guard. We also buy books in these categories and have over 2,000 searchable postcards on these subjects.
In addition to our wide range of maritime books we also stock a select list of scholarly titles covering the subjects of ancient history, archaeology, art, architecture, medieval history and numismatics. To see all "Featured Items" refresh this page. Featured Items are changed on the first of every month. To see all other titles click on one of the categories on the left or use the Search box.